Who Can Benefit From Balloon Sinuplasty?

Who Can Benefit From Balloon Sinuplasty?

If you are experiencing recurring and persistent sinusitis symptoms, such as facial pain, headaches, and nasal congestion, you can turn to Dr. Christine Gilliam and the experienced team at Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center in San Antonio, TX.

They specialize in offering advanced treatment options, including the minimally invasive balloon sinuplasty procedure, designed to provide long-lasting relief and improve your quality of life. Don't let chronic sinusitis hold you back from enjoying each day to the fullest. Schedule a consultation today to explore your personalized treatment options.

Who Can Benefit From a Balloon Sinuplasty? 

Chronic sinusitis can be challenging, but traditional sinus surgery, which involves removing some tissue and bones, may not be desirable for many people.

A balloon sinuplasty is a highly effective and minimally invasive alternative for many sinusitis sufferers. The guide below explains this procedure in San Antonio, TX.

Understanding the Balloon Sinuplasty Procedure 

The technique for treating sinusitis involves inserting and inflating a small balloon in the sinus cavity. This helps to widen the sinus opening, which allows for proper draining. The balloon is deflated and removed after a set amount of time, usually at least a few seconds. 

A balloon sinuplasty is usually an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day. You may experience discomfort or mild swelling, but recovery is typically fast. 

Who Should Consider This Technique? 

Generally, anyone with mild or moderate sinusitis can benefit from balloon sinuplasty. Many people who have tried other methods without relief also find it beneficial. 

However, some factors may interfere with your candidacy. Those with the following factors should typically consider the surgical approach instead. 

  • A deviated septum 
  • Severe sinusitis 
  • Nasal polyps 

Our team can help you determine the best course of action after discussing your medical symptoms, examining your nostrils and sinus cavities, and understanding the severity of your condition. 

Contact Us Today

Learn more about the balloon sinuplasty technique and whether it’s right for you by visiting Dr. Gilliam and the team at Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center in San Antonio, TX. Call (210) 647-3838 to schedule an appointment today.