The Role of SLIT in Managing Allergies

The Role of SLIT in Managing Allergies

The main goals of allergy treatments from a doctor are to relieve the urgent symptoms and then to get to the source of the condition. Some cases of allergic flare-ups can be caused by an immune system disorder while others may be environmental. Explore allergy care with a treatment called SLIT (sublingual immunotherapy), which is available when you visit Dr. Christine Gilliam and her team at Everyone's ENT & Sinus Center in San Antonio, TX.

Allergy Causes and Symptoms

Allergies are undesirable bodily reactions that are caused by an abnormal response from the immune system. The symptoms often begin to manifest in young children and can last throughout adulthood. Medical experts believe that allergies are caused by exposure to substances in the environment (like pollution, mold, or lead) because the body develops antigens over time in response to those elements. It can also be caused by heredity or a weak immune system. Symptoms of allergies include rashes, breathing problems, constricted airways, sneezing, and runny nose or eyes.

What Is SLIT?

SLIT is an acronym for sublingual immunotherapy. It is a therapy that is designed to reduce the body’s reaction to certain allergens by exposing it to small doses of the substance daily. You must place a tablet under your tongue each day and allow it to dissolve. This treatment is most effective for patients who have seasonal allergies or reactions to dust indoors.

SLIT Benefits

The most notable benefit of SLIT therapy with your San Antonio, TX, ENT is that it gives you a long-term solution to your allergies instead of just treating the immediate symptoms. It is also more convenient since you can take the tablets at home instead of going to the doctor for immunotherapy shots.

SLIT for Your Allergies

Doctors in the field of otolaryngology have specialized techniques for treating patients who are struggling with allergies. Find out if SLIT treatments can help you get results when you visit Dr. Christine Gilliam at Everyone's ENT & Sinus Center in San Antonio, TX. Call (210) 647-3838 today to set a time for your first appointment.