What To Expect During an Allergy Testing Appointment

What To Expect During an Allergy Testing Appointment

A lot of the common everyday problems that patients have with allergies, rashes, breakouts, and flare-ups can be best managed by simply getting a test. Understand what you can expect when you go in for an allergy testing appointment with Dr. Christine Gilliam at Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center in San Antonio, TX.

Common Allergies

Some of the most common types of allergies that patients struggle with (and that sometimes require a visit to the doctor for treatment) include:

  • Skin reactions to chemicals, perfumes, and detergents.
  • Allergies that trigger respiratory conditions like asthma.
  • Food allergies can cause the throat to swell, severe rashes, and stomach cramping (common allergens include nuts, milk, and shellfish).

Benefits of Allergy Testing

Information is power when it comes to treating and managing common health conditions like allergies. Once you know the exact allergen causing the adverse reaction, you can take extra steps to avoid that allergen in the future. Allergy testing is particularly important for young children who attend school and must inform administrators of their health needs to avoid flare-ups or breakouts. Additionally, allergy testing allows your San Antonio, TX, doctor to explore immunotherapy options for long-term relief, including SLIT (sublingual immunotherapy).

What to Expect at an Allergy Test

Many allergies can be tested using a skin prick test. Small amounts of the most common allergens are introduced to the skin and labeled so the doctor can observe any reactions. Some patients are tested for allergies using a blood panel that can detect a higher level of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in the system.

Allergies Can Be Managed

To get a better handle on managing your allergies, start by scheduling an allergy test to identify the exact triggers. In one short appointment with Dr. Christine Gilliam at Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center in San Antonio, TX, you can not only get the required test results but also start more targeted treatments for allergy relief. Call (210) 647-3838 today to schedule your exam.